Executive Bio

Ankit Mittal is an independent Sales and Marketing Consultant based in Mumbai, India. He additionally specializes in Branding, Business Development and Communications.

Since 2021 he has been the Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Classic Digital India, an outdoor media agency. Besides having his own agency, he has worked with an array of professionals in the fields of advertising, business, real estate and hospitality. 

In the last 3 years of professional work he has interacted with more than 350+ talented professionals. He has worked in various environments from his family-run business to mega brands and boutique agencies.

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The Euphoric Moment

Ankit sat impatiently at the back bench of his class; merely 20 minutes were left before the school ended for summer. In entered his Hindi language professor, with the intention of giving the class a free period, but on the insistence of the class, he decided to talk about essay writing. 

Topic – ‘Autobiography of a soldier’

“I’m an ex-Indian Army officer. I was injured in the 1992 India-Pakistan war. Today, I’m bedridden but would do anything to get back to serving my country.” 

The enchanting manner in which the professor narrated the autobiography to the class, ignited in Ankit, the zeal for Storytelling & Marketing. That was the insightful moment he understood where he truly belonged.


Growing up, Ankit took part in various competitions and seminars which introduced him to the world of Marketing Communications. Passionate, he dove in. From doing various internships in varied environments to most recently co-founding a Marketing agency, his fruitful experience in the field has made him what he is today. 

Ankit feels his journey in the marketing world has only just begun, and he is extremely passionate to explore more.

He envisions to be a 360-degree marketer, along with his vast Online & Offline, Brand Communications, Brand Advertisement, Public Relations & Co-Founding experience. 

Ankit firmly believes that to get something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done and is always working on being the best version of himself.

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