Community Member

Ankit Mittal strongly resonates with the above quote and strives to live by it. He is exceptionally passionate about giving back to the community.

He believes that change from within, to see the change you have to be the change.

Change, small or big, comes from taking that one small step, which Ankit took 7 years ago when he joined the Leo Club of Andheri Achievers as a Charter Member.

About Leoism

Leo Club is the youth wing of Lions Club International, one of the largest service membership organizations in the world. 

LEO stands for Leadership, Experience, Opportunity, which Ankit aims to harness daily.

Beginnings at Leo Club Of Andheri Achievers

Starting as a Charter Member at the Leo Club of Andheri Achievers, Ankit played a pivotal role in the growth and emergence of the club to make it reach where it is today. Spreading awareness and information about the club he witnessed tremendous growth in the first year itself.

As the Multiple District 3231 Diabetes Chairperson, he conceptualized and conducted the entire diabetes campaign and medical camp from a grassroots level. He collaborated with Lion’s Club to provide professional medical care to underprivileged diabetes patients.

As the Membership Director of Leo Club of Andheri Achievers, he empowered a 100% growth in the membership rates through various strategies. For his role as the Multiple District Council Chairperson, he was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation for his valuable contribution to the same.

As the Secretary, he managed a team of 80 members and also had 5 members under his supervision, communicating with international clubs of Bangladesh, Nigeria, Pakistan and Sri Lanka at the district and multiple levels. He received a prestigious certificate as the District president for his impeccable performance.

From Charter Member to Vice President

In recent times, he is part of the Joint Global Membership Team and mentored numerous newer clubs on their successful functioning along with the implementation of retention and growth strategies. Serving as the Joint Public Relations Officer, he worked on showcasing the work done by the club in the best way possible through communication and marketing strategies while revamping the social media pages as well.

Currently, as the Vice President, Ankit acts as the pillar of the club, governing and making sure everything runs smoothly and also filling in for the President’s duties from time to time. In totality, his experience of rising from a Charter Member to the Vice President has been extremely enriching and has inspired various others through his stellar work to be a part of this extraordinary organization to do their bit for society.

& Now President

A group of Lions is called a “pride” but that’s what I call my LEO Team. They’re my pride, my success story. As a president today, my quest is not going to be about winning, it will be about building a great & enduring organisation for all.

I’ve always believed that no one man/woman can run a team. It has to be a collective effort. An effort filled with passion & commitment. I’ve been a part of 5 teams since the club got charted and I want to carry forward each president’s legacy. We’re all in this together, moving towards a “tomorrow”. A tomorrow, you & I can be proud of. If home is the primary or “first” place where a person connects with others & if work is a person’s “second place, then this organisation, particularly this club is my “third”.

To me, success will not be measured at the awards Andheri Achievers win, but when my Partners feel proud of this organisation. When they mention this movement to their friends & family not because they just want to add them to the movement, but genuinely want to feel good about the work they’ve been doing. I believe we’ll cross that line because of their trust, our values, because of how we have & will treat people, how they will treat others, our ethical practices & lastly – them willingly wanting to elevate their experience for each other and everyone around – One Step At A Time.

“Onward is always going to be the story going forward. Together Towards Tomorrow.” – Leo Lion Ankit Mittal (Club President).


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